Educational Tools/Resources
- Tuberculosis See-and-Touch Artificial Arms -This unique teaching tool shows sample reactions to the Mantoux tuberculin skin test.
- CDC Core Curriculum on Tuberculosis: What the Clinician Should Know (6th Edition) presents information about tuberculosis (TB) for health-care professionals. It is intended for use as a reference manual for clinicians caring for persons with or at high risk for TB disease or infection.
- Are you a laboratory professional? Click here to complete Essentials for the Mycobacteriology Laboratory: Promoting Quality Practices. It is a series of free, interactive modules, developed by APHL in collaboration with the CDC that promote competency, quality and safety in common mycobacteriology testing practices.
- Stop TB Video – Breathe In is a 20-minute short film that tells the story of Kelsey, a 5-year old from Houston, TX, as she moves through treatment for tuberculosis, the world’s deadliest infectious disease. It was produced in partnership with Johnson & Johnson as part of a larger Social Impact Campaign to raise awareness about TB across the globe.