Loud, Frequent Snoring Could Indicate OSA

When it comes to sleep, I’m not afraid to admit that it’s something I look forward to and enjoy immensely. There’s nothing like getting into your own bed and getting ready for a great night’s sleep. But then it happens- your sleep partner starts snoring. It’s not just...

Sleep Apnea Can Affect Your Heart Health

The month of February is often associated with love, Valentines and hearts, but there’s a reason beyond Valentine’s Day that February is the month of hearts. For 50 years, American Heart Month has been observed during the month of February. The campaign is aimed at...

Does Your Child’s Snoring Keep you Up at Night?

When most of us picture the loud snorer, it’s likely the classic profile of an overweight, middle-age man sleeping soundly on his back, breathing through his mouth. This is also the image many people associate with obstructive sleep apnea. Now, imagine that same loud...