Breathe PA: A Century of Combating Tuberculosis and Supporting Lung Health in Western Pennsylvania

Photo of Breathe PA employees delivering TB resource boxes to Allegheny Health Department TB Clinic

Breathe PA: A Century of Combating Tuberculosis and Supporting Lung Health

Since its inception in 1904, Breathe PA has been at the forefront in the fight against tuberculosis (TB). Over the past century, the organization has evolved, expanding its mission to encompass accessible education and resources aimed at preventing all lung diseases. Today, Breathe PA stands as a vital resource for education, training, and financial support related to TB and lung health.

Despite significant advancements in treatment, TB remains a pressing public health concern. In 2022, the U.S. reported 8,331 cases—a 5.9% increase from the previous year. Pennsylvania alone had 253 active TB cases in 2023, underscoring the critical need for effective prevention and treatment strategies. As Lauren Brungo, Chief Nursing Officer from the Allegheny County Health Department, pointed out, “Tuberculosis (TB) is not a disease of the past. TB is still present in Allegheny County. While we are pleased to remain below the national and state average, TB is on the rise.”

To tackle this ongoing challenge, Breathe PA has partnered with the Allegheny County Health Department to provide comprehensive support for individuals diagnosed with active and latent TB. “Beginning in 2024, one of the ways Breathe PA supports western Pennsylvanians who test positive with TB is to ease the burden of familial isolation with our care packages,” shared Breathe PA’s Executive Director, Casey Monroe. This collaboration enables Breathe PA to offer essential services, including monthly nutrition deliveries and care packages that contain grocery gift cards, cleaning supplies, and masks. These resources are designed to assist patients and their families during their recovery journey.

Together, we can continue the fight for healthier lungs and a brighter future!