Staff | Breathe PA


Meet the Breathe PA Team!

Headshot of Casey Monroe
Casey Monroe
Executive Director
Headshot of Rebecca Kishlock
Rebecca Kishlock
Director of Programs
Headshot of Cat Aranda
Cat Aranda
Tobacco Program Manager
Headshot of Kathleen Fornelli
Kathleen Fornelli
Administrative Assistant of Educational Programs and Services
Headshot of Tracy Matanzo
Tracy Matanzo
Program Associate
Headshot of Cortney Schrecengost
Cortney Schrecengost
Health Educator
Headshot of Jessica Schuman
Jessica Schuman
Asthma Program Manager
Headshot of Kristy Steele
Kristy Steele
Lung Health Program Manager
Headshot of Brenda Vasilescu
Brenda Vasilescu
External Affairs Manager
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Your tax-deductible donation funds education programs and support for people with lung disease and their caregivers.