Tobacco & Nicotine Programs | Breathe PA

Tobacco & Nicotine Programs

Breathe PA offers a variety of tobacco and nicotine programs, including education and prevention, cessation programming, and train-the-trainer programming. Offered both in-person and virtually, programs are available throughout Pennsylvania.

Smokeless Saturday

Smokeless Saturday is an intensive education and cessation program for youth found in possession of tobacco and/or nicotine products on school property. Breathe PA collaborates with local school administrators, magistrates, and law enforcement to offer this program.

Under current Pennsylvania law, students using or possessing tobacco and/or nicotine products at school may be disciplined by school administrators or referred to the local district magistrate for a citation. Smokeless Saturday offers an alternative to a fine and/or suspension by providing students with valuable education on the dangers of tobacco and nicotine use.

Smokeless Saturday is a half-day virtual session taught by Breathe PA trained facilitators. The program focuses on all forms of tobacco use, including vaping, and teaches students skills to make healthier choices. Students learn about triggers, how to deal with stress, the long - and short-term consequences of tobacco and nicotine use, and how to quit successfully.

School policies vary by district. Please reference your local school district policy handbook for additional information.

For School Administrators Only: 

Click here for the ONLINE Referral Form 

Click here for a printable Referral Form

Smoke-Free for Life: Train-the-Trainer Classes

Breathe PA’s Smoke-Free for Life Train the Trainer program provides professionals and community educators with the tools they need to help members of their community quit tobacco and nicotine.

Introductory Smoke-Free for Life Facilitator Training

This 3-hour live online introduction course allows individuals to educate others in their community about the fundamentals of quitting. The program cost is $99/participant.

Attendees will:

  • Develop baseline insight about tobacco and nicotine dependence
  • Gain and understanding of the cycle of addiction
  • Learn how to communicate quitting options
  • Earn the qualifications to implement Smoke-Free for Life

Advanced Smoke-Free for Life Facilitator Training

The Advanced Smoke-Free for Life Facilitator Training is a two-day in-person training that teaches individuals how to implement the Smoke-Free for Life Program to its fullest capacity in their community or workplace.  The cost is $350/participant.

This course will help you:

  • Execute the training with all the appropriate materials
  • Provide comprehensive treatment plans to participants
  • Understand the pharmacologic use of FDA-approved medications for smoking cessation
  • Gain the ability to provide motivational interviewing and counseling

To register, contact Cat Aranda, MPH, CTTS, Tobacco Program Manager, at or Cortney Schrecengost, MEd, CTTS, Health Educator, at

Click here for the 2024/2025 SFFL Class Schedule

Click here to purchase Smoke-Free for Life materials. 

School-Based Tobacco and Nicotine Education

Breathe PA provides free education to school districts and early learning centers across Pennsylvania. Delivered via virtual or in-person, our program educates students and staff about tobacco, nicotine, and cannabis and the tools needed to prevent and combat usage. The presentation content is fully customized for different age groups and time frames, ensuring a valuable experience for all.

K-12 Education

  • Vaping and Tobacco Use
  • Health Risks
  • Mental Health and Behavior
  • Prevention Tools
  • Why Animals and Athletes Don't Smoke (PreK - 2nd grade)

Administrator Training

  • Overview of Tobacco and Nicotine Products
  • Vaping 
  • Mental Health 
  • Identifying Behaviors

Additional Services

  • Teen Quit Resources
  • Parent Vaping Guides
  • TRU Groups
  • Young Lungs at Play and Worksite Policy Recommendations 

For more information or to schedule a presentation, contact Cat Aranda, MPH, CTTS, Tobacco Program Manager, at

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Your tax-deductible donation funds education programs and support for people with lung disease and their caregivers.

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