March 27, 2020
By: Alison Garcia
Have you found that you are reaching for a cigarette, e-cigarette or chew more often?
It is widely believed that nicotine helps calm you down. It may be that it provides a break at a time when you may not have had one, a distraction when going through a hard time, or just makes you feel better. Rather than helping people relax, smoking actually raises levels of tension and anxiety. Nicotine has an almost immediate and short lived “feel good factor” but it quickly fades. When nicotine is inhaled it reaches the brain within 8-10 seconds releasing the chemical “dopamine” which causes feelings of pleasure and relaxation. However, during these feelings of perceived relaxation, the body is actually experiencing increased stress – blood pressure and heart rate increase, muscles become tense, and less oxygen is available to the body and brain. The feelings of relaxation may just be relief from short-term symptoms of withdrawal from nicotine.
It is impossible to avoid stress, but it is possible to change how we work through stressful situations and our emotions. Being prepared is important. Make a list of situations that make you feel stress and a list of activities you will do when you feel stressed. Remember to use activities that promote your health and well-being and avoid negative coping strategies.
The following are some skills that you can practice in dealing with stress. A simple way to remember these stress control techniques is the four A’s: Avoid, Alter, Adjust, Accept.
Not all stressful situation can be avoided, but it is amazing to see how many stressors can be eliminated simply by avoiding them
- Do certain people “stress you out?” Limit the time that you spend with them
- Do hot-button topics upset you? Stay away from sensitive topics
During a stressful time, step back, assess and attempt to change the situation
- State limits in advance. If you get a phone call from someone who just wants to chat, and you are busy, begin the conversation with “I only have 10 minutes”.
Feeling that you cannot cope with something can be a stressor in itself. Try changing your expectations and standards.
- Count your blessing. No matter how dire things might seem, take some time to focus on the joys of your life- your family, your memories and your anticipations.
Some sources of stress are unavoidable. You cannot prevent or change stressors, such as the covid-19 pandemic.
- Look for the positive angle
- Share your feelings
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