Alison Garcia, Author at Breathe PA

Alison Garcia

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Which Pillow is Best for My Sleep Apnea

The best pillow for sleep apnea can help improve comfort for patients while also reducing the risk of air leaks from their face mask.

Nicotine At A Time When Stress Is High

Nicotine At A Time When Stress Is High

It is widely believed that nicotine helps calm you down. It may be that it provides a break at a time when you may not have had one, a distraction when going through a hard time, or just makes you feel better. Rather than helping people relax, smoking actually raises levels of tension and anxiety.

Loud, Frequent Snoring Could Indicate OSA

Loud, Frequent Snoring Could Indicate OSA

While we may pass this off, loud and frequent snoring is an indicator of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a chronic sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing or shallow breaths during sleep that affects as many as 22 million Americans.